Decree of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further improve the legal protection of business entities" from 14.06.2005, № UP-3619 gave impetus to the adoption of the Law "On arbitration courts" by Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan on October 16, 2006.
In connection with the adoption of the Law "On arbitration courts" legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan concerning with arbitration courts was amended. In accordance with Article 10 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan protection of civil rights are realized by the courts, the economic court or arbitral tribunal.
Association of the Arbitration Courts of Uzbekistan cooperates with such international organizations as: Japan International Cooperation Agency, Korean International Cooperation Agency, German Technical Cooperation, Europa House, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and Fredrich Ebert fund to technically support and develop arbitration and mediation institute in Uzbekistan. In this context, the Ministry of foreign economic relations, investment and trade of Uzbekistan and Misnistry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan helps us a lot.
In 2011 in cooperation with the project coordinator of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe organized the International scientific Conference. The chairmen of the leading arbitration centers, specialists and qualified lawyers participated in our conference. Participants exchanged experience and agreed on the future joint projects. The same year Chairman of Association of the Arbitration Courts of Uzbekistan Mr. Dolimov, chairman of the Arbitration Court of the Tashkent city I. Mardanov and me personally participated in the international conferences held in France and Belgium and exchanged the experience.
Employees of the Academy at the Association of Arbitration Courts of Uzbekistan:
Principal - Maxmudov Hamza Hasanovich
Dean - Babaxodjaeva Lola Maratovna
Head of Education Department - Nematov Shavkat Ergashovich
- The Academy of Arbitration courts has been established at AACU for professional training of arbitrators, and for improvement of professional skills of staff in conducting office-work in arbitration courts;
Republic of Uzbekistan,
30, Navoi st., Shayhontahur district, Tashkent
Postal Code: 100011.
Phone Numbers:
(+99871) 244-00-18
(+99871) 244-07-25
(+99871) 244-57-35
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